“How does Shopnix compare against other eCommerce platforms in India?”

A question we get very often is

“There are other providers of eCommerce platform solutions in the market. How different is your solution?”

The way we see it, SaaS solutions like Shopnix will need to eventually distinguish themselves based on Feature-set, Performance & Technology resilience. This is where we believe we already have a edge over our competitors.

To prove this we decided to compare Shopnix platform against other solution providers in this market like Shopify, BuildABazaar (BAB), MartJack & Zepo. Take a deep dive into our feature comparison matrix

Shopnix BAB Zepo MartJack Shopify
Store Features
Multilevel catalog
Discount Coupons
Category Filters
Discount Rules
Gift Cards
Stock Notifications
Store Testimonials
Reviews & Ratings
DD/ MO Payments
Customer Support
3rd Party Widgets
Store Manager Features
Bulk Upload
Bulk Images
Roles & Permissions
Local Courier Intg 12 12 1 4
Franchise Stores
Social Integration
Solr Search Engine

Don’t believe it? Just create a store now & validate all our claims. It takes minutes to create an eCommerce store on Shopnix. Just visit our home page – http://shopnix.in and click the “Get free store now!” button.

Still not convinced, you can always drop us a mail to clarify further.

Shopnix Team